November 27, 2011


Anytime we are able to be around our loved ones it is a day to be thankful. With everything going on in the world today it is so easy to get caught up in the HYPE of it all and forget about the true meaning of Thanks Giving-Family, Love, Appreciation, Friends, Happiness, and for some Sadness. Please be respectful to our Native Brothers and Sisters and be mindful that this is not a day of great joy but a day of morning the many lives that were lost by the hands of the Europeans. 

"As you may know, many Native American images found on Thanksgiving cards, decorations, and school materials are very stereotypic. They are often based on a "composite" view of Native Americans rather than on accurate and diverse Native American lifestyles and traditions. As a consequence, Thanksgiving imagery serves to teach and reinforce children's misinformation and stereotypic thinking about Native Americans, laying a foundation for later prejudice." Understanding Prejudice 

Before you can know yourself, FIRST you must know your HISTORY.

This once was their land.

Peaceful and Beautiful what more can you ask for.


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